perjantai 24. joulukuuta 2021

Merry Christmas 2021 & Happy New Year 2022

It´s almost Christmas and I´m hustling around with everything. I really hope that I´m getting done everything before Christmas eve. This time year is most busy one and that´s why I´m expecting more and more Christmas when I´m able to take little break from everything.

I was intend to write my last week of Beadtober challenge exceptionally last week but totally forgot it so here it comes.

Top row´s first photo is my crochet anklet that I made last Summer. This day´s challenge was to show "Your favorite color" because of National Color Day. I tried first time to crochet some beads along and thought that it would be hard or difficult but it was actually very easy so maybe I´ll make more. For these anklet I used gorgeous icy blue seed beads that remind me of arctic water.

Second photo from top row shows my bracelet that I made as a gift to my friend. This day´s challenge was to show some seed bead work and I choice this bracelet. I haven´t made any more since it was pretty difficult to make and it took me hours to complete this bracelet. I used pink and golden colors seed beads as they are my friend´s favorite color so who knows maybe I´ll try this some day again. 

Third and last photo from top row shows my "Cozy Vibes" which was theme of the day. I chose this gray color crocheted bracelet because its one of my personal favorite. This warms bit your wrist and it goes well when you go jogging or running and you need to swipe your forehead. It´s made of 100% cotton yarn which absorbs well water and can be washed in machine. I made total 20 bracelets in different colors so you can pick your favorite one. Bracelet is super comfortable to wear which why I thought it would be perfect for cozy vibes.

Second row´s first photo shows "Earthy Fall" I decided to show my latest purchase at the time. I found nice animal print faux leather pieces from local fabric shop. These two have most earthy and natural colors. Later I ended up cutting small pieces from these leather and made earrings that I will show you later.

Second photo from middle row shows my pumpkin creations. This challenge was in October and Halloween time was near and day´s theme was to show something related to "Pumpkin Season". These pumpkins are my very first that I ever made with help of my friend who have been creating awesome jewelry from polymer clay. It was fun and different to create something from polymer clay without using any beading method. I would wanted to make pumpkin from seed beads but didn´t have right colors at the time.

Last photo from middle row show my cat face earrings which I draw and cut from faux leather. Using faux leather feels more natural to me. Many people usually say that real leather is the best but I think faux leather is also very good choice. I got once bracelet which was made from real leather. I couldn´t tolerate the smell so I left it outside of the balcony. 

Final rows have all my polymer clay work, first one shows "National Chocolate Day", second one was "Frankenstein Friday" and last one was "National Candy Corn Day". Each one I made from polymer clay instead of beads. I was too excited to use polymer clay instead of beads. All was fun to make and making the texture to little Halloween brownies was most challenging since when I turned the work in my fingers, the texture I made was nearly gone so had to figured out how to make texture to all four sides. Frankenstein was inspired from Pinterest and I mixed the green color myself. I thought it would be perfect as a keychain but still I haven´t if that is best choice. Candy corns I thought they would be easy to make rather from polymer clay than beads but I was so wrong! I should choose beads since colors were mixing together from my fingers and couldn´t immediately figure out how to mix nicely three colors. I´m pretty pleased how the candy corn earrings look like and maybe try later to make it from beads because the colors can´t mixed so easily like from polymer clay.

Some of these creations I have already added to my Etsy shop, BlueBellJewelry and if you like to have something just for you, I´m open to your ideas and suggestions.

~ Minna

perjantai 10. joulukuuta 2021

Happy December

Happy December!

This year have been very challenging in many ways and just before Christmas I find myself hustling around and I have long "To Do" - list. Between all this hustling, I try to take some time for myself. Usually I do yoga. I´ve been practicing yoga past 20 years more or less and now more frequently as my job is very physical especially during Winter. Yoga and crocheting are my ways to relax.

I was happy that this year arranged local Christmas craft sale event where I was last Sunday. It also gonna be two consecutive Sundays so have to make something special for there too. People were admired my crochet earrings. Couple people said that in order to make those need nifty fingers and very small hook. It was so fun to be there and show my jewelry.

I was participated Beadtober challenge in October and here´s what I made and post in my social media channel from week 3.

Day 15 - Falling Leaves
Since this day´s challenge was falling leaves I thought to share my wooden leaf necklaces that comes in total 8 different colors. They don´t show so well in photo collage but pink one was the photo that I post on Instagram that day. If you´re interested of my leaf necklace, visit my Etsy shop.

Day 16 - Favorite Technique
Second row begins with my beaded earrings that I made few years ago. These earrings were bit challenging to make. I try to learn how to do brick stitch with beads and have bad tutorial video. I rewind it several times back and forth and trying to figure out how I´m suppose to get the bead straight up by pulling the thread. I remember to learn this technique two days and I even think it in my dreams. I try to look other tutorial videos too but each tutorial maker have slightly different style to do this brick stitch. In the end, when I finally figured this technique out, it wasn´t so hard at all but if you´re just getting started beading your own jewelry, I would not recommend to start with brick stitch.

Day 17 - Czech Glass
This day´s challenge was all about Czech glass so I thought to share my dragonfly earrings that all have matching Czech glass bead above the dragonfly. These earrings have gold plated smooth backs and very detailed front side. These earrings are my favorite from all BlueBell´s jewelry and so perfect for Spring and Summer time. 

Day 18 - Orange & Black
Final photo from second row, I made bracelet set in orange and black color. For these bracelets I used memory wire, seed beads and got few beautifully glistening orange glass beads that I used in the middle. 

Day 19 - Necklaces
Last row, in middle photo is my necklace that I made. I love to make choker necklaces from seed beads and this black seed bead choker necklace have unique cat pendant what I made without any mold from polymer clay. There´s photo of my cat who act as an inspiration for this pendant. 

Day 20 - Spooky Spooky Skeletons
First photo from last row show my skeleton earrings that I made from polymer clay and cotton yarn. I learned to make own tassels few years ago and they are pretty simple to do. Skeleton heads I molded from orange color polymer clay. I took from web inspiration photo in order to mold these skeletons. I forgot to add eye pins before I put these polymer clay work in oven so had to add small screw for both side so I can attached the earring hooks and tassels what I made. These earrings are unique pair and it´s available on Facebook shop and Etsy too.
Day 21 - Boo! Beads!

Last photo of all is showing my favorite beads. I chose Swarovski crystal beads since I love everything sparkle and these beads shines so gorgeously that makes me happy and they gives me creative boost. Local bead supplier said to me once that it´s completely own hobby to just watch how different beads shines 😂 I bet this is very common among jewelry makers.

~ Minna

perjantai 26. marraskuuta 2021

Joulukuun Kivi: Turkoosi

Turkoosi on yksi vanhemmista ja tunnetuimpia kiviä, joita on käyttänyt mm. shamaanit, kuninkaat, soturit ja intiaanit. Turkoosi tulee rankan kielen sanasta "La Pierre Turquoise" tarkoittaen "turkkilaista". Kaunis kivi on ihastuttanut mm. egyptiläisiä ja turkoosi kiveä on käytetty Tutankhamonin hautanaamion rinta-alueella. Turkoosin kiven toi markkinoille ranskalainen kauppias, joka löysi tämän ihastuttavan kiven matkatessaan itään Turkkiin etsimään kauniita esineitä, joita Euroopassa ei ollut. Hänen huomionsa kiinnittyi turkoosi korukiveen ja myyjä kertoi hankkineensa niitä Persiasta. Palatessaan Ranskaan kauppias esitteli asiakkailleen löytämiään upeita kiviä, joita hän oli Turkista tuonut.

Aito turkoosi on melko harvinainen ja se saa kauniin värinsä ympäröivistä kivilajista. Sitä esiintyy alumiinipitoisten kivilajien halkeamissa ja raoissa. Sen vuoksi myös aidossa turkoosissa on tummia juovia. Turkoosin väri voi vaihdella vaaleasta vihreästä voimakkaaseen siniseen. Sinistä turkoosia syntyy, kun kivilajissa on alumiinin lisäksi kuparia ja vihreän värin saa aikaan rauta.

Turkoosi tunnetaan viisauden, voiman ja suojeluksen symbolina ja on suosittu korukivenä. Turkoosia käytetään usein kaulakorun riipuksissa, mutta sitä käytetään myös muissa koruissa kuten korvakoruissa, rannekoruissa ja sormuksissa. F
aaraot pitivät usein turkooseista kiveistä koristeltuja kaulakoruja yllään. Niillä on katsottu olevan parantavia voimia niin ruumiiseen kuin mieleenkin. Kivien on katsottu myös luovan yhteyden esi-isiin. 

Turkoosi resonoi totuuden energian kanssa ja hoitaa tehokkaasti kurkkuchakraa auttaen kommunikoimaan rehellisesti ja viisaasti. Ujoja ihmisiä turkoosi kannustaa osallistumaan enemmän keskusteluihin ja luottamaan siihen, että heidän mielipiteillään ja puheenvuorollaan on arvo ja merkitys. Julkisille puhujille turkoosi antaa rohkeutta, tyyneyttä ja varmuutta.

Turkoosi tunnetaan myös otsachakran stimuloijana. Se herättelee selvänäkökykyjä ja intuitiota. Meditaatiossa voit kokeilla asettaa turkoosi kiven otsachakran kohdalle. Turkoosi tasapainottaa chakroja, rauhoittaa mieltä ja tasaa tunnekuohuja. Kivi sopii hyvin avuksi masennukseen, uupumukseen ja voi olla avuksi myös paniikkihäiriössä.

Turkoosia pidetään yhtenä runsauden ja onnen kivistä. Turkoosin kanssa työskentely kutsuu elämääsi tasaisempaa ja runsaampaa rahavirtaa ja antaa inspiraatiota keksiä uusia tulonlähteitä. Turkoosi tuo onnea ja hyvää terveyttä.

Työpaikalla turkoosi sopii johtajille ja niille, joiden työ edellyttää selkeää kommunikointia ja tiedonkulkua esim. laki- ja virkamiehille. 

  • Kovuus: 5 - 6 Mohsin asteikolla
  • Hiotun turkoosin pinta on vahakiiltoinen tai matta
  • Halkaisemalla turkoosin voi selvittää onko turkoosi kivi aito vai ei
  • Turkoosi tunnetaan Yhdysvalloissa intiaanikorujen raaka-aineena
  • Turkoosia on louhittu Siinain niemaan esiintymistä jo 4000 vuotta ennen Kristuksen syntymää
  • Persiassa turkoosia pidettiin pikkusormessa, sillä uudenkuun heijastuksen näkeminen turkoosin pinnasta toi tullessaan hyvää onnen ja suojan paholaisen houkutuksia vastaan
  • Turkoosia on käytetty amulettina kaikenlaisia putoamisia vastaan, erityisesti ratsastajien keskuudessa estämässä ratsastajaa putoamasta hevosen selästä
  • Venetsilaiset kauppiaat toivat turkoosin Eurooppaan Turkin basaareista
  • Amerikan intiaanit käyttivät turkoosia tuomaan hyvää metsästysonnea ja tuomaan voiton taisteluissa
  • Turkoosia ei saa ultraäänipuhdistaa, liottaa kuumassa vedessä eikä kivi saa joutua kosketuksiin kodinkemikaalien kanssa

~ Minna

perjantai 12. marraskuuta 2021

Happy November

Can´t believe it´s November already! Time, days and weeks really flies or at least we Finnish people said that way when time goes by so fast.

As some of you may or may not know that I was participated in October IG challenge which hosted by Artbeads and in this blog post I wanted to share some of my creations from week 2. The challenge itself was fun although I was time to time little behind from posting daily task. My original plan was to create cool things from seed beads that I have but many times I ended up using polymer clay since Halloween theme creation was so much easier to make than beading.

If you haven´t read my first week post from this challenge, you can quickly read it here.

In the second week of the challenge we shared e.g. our favorite creations from this year, Halloween crafts, bead storage and trick or treat creation.

First photo shows my favorite creation from this year. It was bit hard to choose just one but eventually I eneded up with my newest addition - Crocheted anklet that I made this Summer. The anklet project was fun to make, I never had crocheted with beads so that was completely new thing to me. I thought that crocheting beads would be difficult but surprisingly it wasn´t. I enjoyed to make these anklet from Toho seed beads which I love to use in my beading projects. These beads have beautiful milky effect surface with silver lined inside. Toho beads are high quality glass seed beads and they also consistent quality so you will get clean and nice beaded jewelry.

Second photo shows day 9 task which was Fiber Fun. I chose beautiful yellow tassel earrings which I made while ago. For these earrings I learned to make tassels and used 100% cotton yarn to make the tassels. These earrings comes in four different colors and each one I have combined with different colored wire which I have hand shaped. When I looked these earrings, they make me happy. These are statement looking earrings but still light as feather when you wear these.

Third photo shows my crocheted bracelet. I chose "Survivor" because October was breast cancer awareness month. This month remind me of my favorite Finnish singer whose fan I have been ever since I was 11 years old. My favorite singer had breast cancer about five years ago and  when I saw the news, it stopped me. I started to think why I liked her songs so much and how much fun I had in her gigs. She had brought me so much joy when my life was so depressing and I was experience hard times with my mom. I´m really happy that she survived from that cancer and looking forward her new album. I chose multicolored green yarn for this bracelet because green is color associated with vitality, nature, tranquility and health. I have more these kind bracelet in different affirmation ring such as "Happiness", "Joy" etc.

Fourth photo shows my Halloween crafts. For some reason I wanted to make skeleton heads. I originally planned to make the skulls from beads but couldn´t find nice tutorial in order to practice so I molded these heads from photo that I took from web. It was fun to work with polymer clay. If the work was ruined, you can always roll the clay in your hands and re-shaped it however you like. I´m pretty pleased with these skull heads that I made. I also made my very first pumpkin that day. I added small leaves. I have no clue which kind leaves pumpkins have but this little pumpkin have tiny ordinary leaves that I also hand shaped. I give my BIG Thank You to my dearest friend who guided me through my polymer clay creation. I couldn´t do them without her inside tips and advices 💕

Fift photo shows my "Withcy Vibes" earrings. Witchy vibes day task was bit hard for me since I couldn´t find classic witch hat beading tutorial that I would like to do and this day task came quickly and hadn´t any time to order missing supplies. I live in small town and there´s no craft store anymore. I usually order all my jewelry supplies from online and occasionally buy them craft store if I visit bigger city. So this day I though to share my tassel hoop earrings that have three faux suede leather tassels that I have attached into stainless steel hoop. These earrings goes well for modern witch.

Sixth photo shows my "doughnut earrings" that I made from polymer clay. Challenge was to create something for the National dessert day and my first idea was to make doughnuts. I thought they would be easier enough for me to make since I´m not so talented polymer clay artist. These doughnuts was fun to make though. My friend have perfect polymer clay color for the doughnuts that I used and I made orange icing with black sprinkles. I tried to make realistic looking icing by molding it freely with my fingers. It was bit difficult since icing needed to be thin as possible but too big for the doughnuts. Even placing the icing on the doughnuts had to make carefully since I didn´t wanted to ruined my texture that I made on the doughnuts.

Final three photos shows my bead stores where I keep all my jewelry supplies and beads. I bought long time ago two black boxes with two different sizes plastic drawers. These were actually sold as a toolboxes but as a jewelry maker I only saw how neatly I can storage all my jewelry supplies and I labelled each drawer so I can find more easily specific jewelry part what I need. These two boxes have served me well and they were also very affordable price to buy. Money saving tip: So next time when your husband or boyfriend goes to buy tools, go with them. Surprisingly many men´s tool fit also for jewelry making like side cutters, different tool boxes, hammers, files, sandpapers etc. which cost many times much more in jewelry supply store. 

Here was my second week update. Many jewelry that I made during this October challenge can´t be find on BlueBellJewelry´s Etsy shop yet but I´m working on to add them in the shop as soon as possible. Next time I will write about December´s birthstone "Turquoise" so stay tuned and have a wonderful Autumn.

~ Minna

perjantai 29. lokakuuta 2021

Marraskuun Kivi: Sitriini

Sitriini on iloinen ja lämmin kivi. Sitriinin yleensä tunnistaa sen keltaisesta väristä, mutta väri saattaa vaihdella myös kalpeankeltaisesta meripihkan keltaiseen. Sitriini on kvartsimuunnos ja sitä esiintyy vain vähän luonnossa. Suurin osa myytävissä olevista sitriineistä onkin lämpökäsiteltyä ametistia tai savukvartsia. Suurin luonnollisen sitriini tuottaja on Brasilia. Sitriinin nimi tulee latinasta "citrina", joka tarkoittaa keltaista. Ranskalaisille taas sano "citron" tarkoitti sitruunaa ja kiveä on myös kutsuttu aurinkokiveksi.

Muinoin sitriiniä kannettiin suojaamaan käärmeen myrkkyä, ruttoja, epidemioita ja pahoja ajatuksia vastaan. Sitriini on myös vaurauden kivi ja värinsä puolesta liitetään myös kultaan. Sitriini symboloi myös terveyttä, paranemista, totuutta, menestystä, antaa mielen selkeyttä ja eheyttä. Sitriini on myös hyvin energisoiva kivi. Se nostaa itsetuntoa ja antaa itsevarmuutta. Kivi tuo myös elämään iloa, se ilahduttaa kantajaansa ja lisää innostuneisuutta. Sitriiniä käytetään munaisten ja rakkovaivojen hoitoon.

Sitriiniä on käytetty tunhansien vuosien ajan koruissa. Ensimmäinen sitriinikoru on jäljitetty Helleeniseen aikakauteen (323-30 eaa), jolloin sitriini korua käytettiin talismaanina alkoholismin, skandaalien ja kunnianloukkauksia ja petoksia vastaan, kivi suojasi myös pahoja ajatuksia vastaan ja esti liiallista hemmottelua. Roomalaiset uskoivat sitriini olevan Merkuriuksen kivi ja viesti jumalilta.  Koruissa sitriiniä käytetään usein yhdessä timanttien ja helmien kanssa mm. sormuksissa ja rannekoruissa tuomaan luksusta ja lisämään kimallusta.

Sitriini on erinomainen silloin, kun halutaan päästää irti rahantarpeeseen liittyvästä epätoivosta. Sitriini tuo iloa epätoivon keskelle ja se myös auttaa pysymään kauemmin niissä hetkissä, jolloin kaikki on hyvin. Sitriiniä voit kantaa mukanasi tai laittaa lompakkoon, kassalippaaseen, säästölippaan tai tietokoneen viereen, jos ylläpidät yritystoimintaasi netissä muistuttamaan rahan virtauksesta ja hyvästä onnesta. Sitriin sopii myös runsausmandaloihin ja kivi auttaa myös hillitsemmän tuhlausta ja rahaan liittyviä addiktioita esim. pelihimo tai shoppailu.

Sitriini edistää myös luovuutta ja mielikuvitusta, jonka vuoksi kivi on erinomainen esim. taidemaalareille, artisteille ja kaikille niille, jotka tarvitsevat työssään jonkinlaista luovuuta. Sitriini lisää myös tahdonvoimaa, energiaa ja kestävyyttä, jotta voit tuoda ajatuksesi teoiksi. Sitriini ei välttämättä tarvitse puhdista kovin usein, sillä kivi ei sido itseensä negatiivista energiaa.

Sitriiniä kutsutaan myös nimillä Bahian topaasi, Intialainen topaasi, kultatopaasi, kvartsitopaasi, Madeiran topaasi, Palmira topaasi, Rio Granden topaasi (koska kiveä tuotetaan tässä kaupungissa), Salamancan topaasi, Serra topaasi, Skotlantilainen topaasi ja topaasikvartsi.

FjeldDesigniltä löytyy rannekoru, jossa on käytty ametistia ja sitriiniä. Tätä kiviyhdistelmää kutsutaan usein nimellä "ametrine", joka tulee englanninkielen sanoista "amethyst" ja "citrine".

Rannekoru kuuluu FjeldDesignin Mixed metal kokoelmaan ja rannekorussa käytetään hopeoitua ketjua ja kullattua lukkoa. Korun osat ovat nikkelittömiä, lyijyttömiä ja kadmium vapaita.

Rannekoruun on mahdollisuus valita oma pituus.

~ Minna

perjantai 15. lokakuuta 2021

Happy October

 Happy October my readers,

The Autumn has been very beautiful this year. It´s not my favorite season mainly because it´s so dark and rainy weather. I love candles and I light them every night. I also bought outdoor lights which have warm white light. Now my balcony look very cozy and warm. I actually enjoyed my very first outdoor hot chocolate other night with wrapped in soft blanket. It was very relaxing after end of the day.

This year´s Autumn colors have been very exceptional. Most of days I´ve been enjoyed to walk and jogging in the nature and admired the gorgeous color spectrum of nature. It feels like I´m getting color therapy at the same time no matter how down I might feel myself. It´s so uplifting energy that nature offers.

For October, I also joined the ArtBeads challenge which has its own task for each day. The reason why I joined challenge like this is that I get something to post on Instagram and Facebook every day. I´m more attached to my other jewelry shop and that´s why I haven´t been so active with BlueBell. BlueBell have beautiful jewelry and I would love to develop BlueBell more so that Etsy sales would increase.

But like I said, I´m joined with October challeng that ArtBeads is hosting, I would like to write little bit how I feel it so far and my thoughts of this kind challenge.

First picture is one finished leaf after three hours and second photo is from next morning when I had finished the earrings. I usually favor the ear wires in my earrings but for these I wanted different so I chose gold plated studs where is tiny golden ball and loop where the leaf is attached

Day 1 - 
Fall Jewelry 
I wanted to make beaded leaf. I also wanted to challenge myself and do something different than usually I would do. I ended up with gorgeous beaded leaves that have different technique what I haven´t used before. I chose natural white and golden colored seed beads for this project. First one took me literally three hours to make since I wasn´t quite understand the technique that YouTube tutorial maker was using. I unraveled my bead work several times and watched the video over and over again to see where I went wrong. Finished piece is beautiful and at the next day  I made another pair. Somehow, I was processed the technique during my sleep so second one went so much faster and even enjoyed to make that leaf.

Pink jade earrings with rose gold wire.
Pink jade symblize love, peace, harmony and friendship.
It also have ability to remove toxins from the body.

Day 2 - Think Pink
This day´s challenge was to create something in pink because October is breast cancer awareness month and I thought long time what should I make. First I hadn´t any idea and I went to scrolling the Pinterest to get some inspire what I can make this day. I ended up using rose gold wire and pink jade beads what I have. I love working with wire and thought that rose gold wire is perfect for this day since it´s kind of pink too. Pink jade in turn ended up my being my choice because the stone symbolize love, peace, harmony and friendship. The gemstone also work as a healing stone and it can eliminate all toxins from your body.

This moon pendant is actually my second try, first one was too big and I wanted the moon be little smaller. I try to capture the beautiful blue goldstone so that you can see its gorgeous surface that this stone have. This stone is actually one of my favorite and I used it as bracelet what I made for my mom as a birthday gift.

Day 3 - Spooky Celestial
Day three task was bit difficult for me since I wasn´t quite sure should I share something star patterns or something else. I looked what other had shared this day in order to figure out what I can make. I ended up making moon from the silver plated wire and add the blue goldstone in the middle. The blue goldstone have beautiful deep blue color and surface looks like clear midnight sky with stars. 

Here´s my first ever made spider from wire. I used black and golden colored beads to make this spider. I named him as a "luxury spider" because of its color. He´s looking for new home so let me know if you like to adopt him.

Day 4 - Scary Statement
Fourth day´s challenge was to make something big and scary. First idea that came my mind was spider. I don´t really scare spiders but find them so unpleasant. I made my very first spider from beads and little bit wire. I actually have admire these kind earlier but thought that they were too difficult to make. If you think that too, don´t be scared to try. These are actually much more simplier to make than you would first thought.

I was so happy to find jewelry project where I can used these beautiful silver plated bead caps that I have so long to wait "the perfect" jewelry project. I used deep blue, yellow and green colored seed beads. Reason why I chose these colors is because I wanted to use this Autumn´s trend colors. Thanks my stylist friend who inform me this Autumn´s trend colors. These became so lovely earrings that I actually made second pair with different colors

Day 5 - Earrings
Fift day task was to create earrings. Earrings are actually one of favorite jewelry that I most often do. They are usually very simple and BlueBell have much more earrings than any other jewelry. I must correct that later and do more other jewelry too.

Creative people don´t have mess, this is creative mess which is entirely different thing than normal mess

Day 6 - Wip Wednesday
Wip Wednesday I took over our kitchen table and spread all my seed beads on the table. I tried to figure out colors I would use for my seed bead earrings. "Creative people don´t have mess, they have ideas lying around everywhere!"

First one is my favorite from all of these. I love its coloring in yellow, orange and red that fits so well in Autumn time. All of these necklaces are available in my Etsy shop

Day 7 - Simple and Quick
Seventh day task was to show off something simple and quick. I ended up showing my faux leather necklace that have few wooden beads. It´s simple necklace that comes total five different colors. Each necklace have different color faux leather teardrop pendant and matching wooden beads. This necklace I made under ten minutes so it´s totally quick jewelry project.

Here was one week of coverage of this challenge and if you want to join this challenge too, visit ArtBeads Instagram account and save yourself the #beadtober calendar.

~ Minna

perjantai 1. lokakuuta 2021

Recycled & Sustainable Jewelry

Photo by Jing Wang from Upcyclewithjing - Together

Sustainability, eco-friendly and recycled jewelry has become more and more popular but what exactly is sustainable and eco-friendly jewelry?

For me sustainable jewelry comes from responsible sources where workers had fair wages and safe working environments. Sustainable jewelry have minimal impact on the environment.


Photo by Dominik Scythe on Unsplash

  • Recycled silver 
    • If you´re looking to create eco-friendly jewelry, choose recycled silver such as sheet, solder and grain so you can continue to make jewelry like you have done with regular silver
  • Recycled gold
    • If gold is what your business offers, choose recycled gold such as sheets, panels and wire or try use fairtrade gold
  • Stainless steel
    • Stainless steel is 100% recyclable and it´s most durable, hardwearing and easily accessible material. You can use stainless steel wire for soldering
  • Aluminum
    • Aluminum is one of the most environmentally friendly materials for your jewelry business. Use aluminum for stamping or aluminum sheet as a base metal for your jewelry
  • Scrap
    • Scrap is one of the easiest materials to make your jewelry. With scrap metal and pieces you can create unique and quirky eco-friendly jewelry 
  • Wood
    • Wood is renewable and abundantly available in Finland. Many think wood isn´t sustainable material but when the wood comes from sustainably managed forests, the wood is sustainable material


Jing Wang
Designer/owner of Upcycle with Jing
I recently found amazing jewelry maker from Instagram who I like to introduce to my blog readers.
Jing Wang from Upcyclewithjing who turns ordinary PET bottles into amazingly beautiful jewelry. 

Jing Wang design journey begun in China where she studied industrial design but she soon realize that she wanted to create something sustainably. 

While living in China and India, Jing was also appalled by the prevalent use of single-use plastic bags and bottles that littered streets, landfills and even the oceans. Upcycling a pollutant material like plastic became her lifelong quest, which is what today has transformed into Upcycle with Jing, a thriving upcycled jewelry store online.

Nothing gives Jing more joy than to transform an ordinary PET plastic bottle by hand, changing it into a sustainable, unique and beautiful art piece that someone will truly enjoy wearing.

I fell loved with these gorgeous designs that Jing Wang has made. Each piece have such a gorgeous details and unique design.

Photo 1: Jasmine Flower NecklaceStunning jasmine flower necklace with minimalistic but sophisticated style.

Photo 2: Lily Flower Drop EarringsDangling off gold-finished French hooks are beautiful clear flowers that cradle a lustrous white bead with a rounded gold-finish tip.

Photo 3: Jasmine Flower HairbandA hairband inspired by a jasmine flower fairy! Sitting atop an elegant gold finish hairband is an arrangement of double flowers on either side, crested with clear petals and a white inner flower.

Photo 4: Jellyfish EarringsInspired by the mysterious but beautiful jellyfish, these free-flowing earrings add an unmissable fashion statement for you.

Follow Jing Wang on Instagram and Facebook
Find our more her beautiful design by visiting on her Etsy shop and website


I consider recycling important thing. Luckily here in Finland we have great recycling systems and in daily basis I sort my household waste in different recycle bins. In our housing association we have different recycle bins for plastic, metals, papers, cardboards, glasses etc. What comes my little handmade business, I buy envelopes that are manufactured from recycled papers, I walk to mail every Etsy order, I have reduced plastic wrapping from the jewelry packaging and I preferably use to wrap orders in papers that I get weekly from my work. I think every small act counts but there´s long way to go until I can say that BlueBellJewelry makes sustainable jewelry.

~ Minna

perjantai 17. syyskuuta 2021

Lokakuun Kivi: Opaali

 on amorfinen piimineraali, joka sisältää paljon kidevettä. Opaali koostuu mikroskooppisen pienistä piioksidipalloista, jotka ovat järjestäytyneet säännöllisesti. Tämä järjestäytyminen saa aikaan valon diffraktiota, mikä aiheuttaa opaalille tyypillisen kirjavan värileikin. 
Opaalia esiintyy kompakteina, läpikuultavina, lasimaisina massoina. Opaalia muodostuu kuumissa lähteissä ja geysireissä sekä merivedestä tiivistymällä.

Kiven nimi on peräisin joko sanskriitinkielisestä sanasta "upala" tai kreikankielisestä sanasta "opalios", joka tarkoittaa jalokiveä tai arvokasta kiveä. Erään arabialaisen legendan mukaan opaalit ovat tippuneet taivaasta. Ne ovat lokakuussa syntyneiden kivi. Niiden on katsottu tuovan kantajalleen uskollisuutta, rakkautta ja auttavan itsetunnon kohotuksessa. Sen on uskottu tuovan sisäistä voimaa.



Opaali on hyvin kaunis ja ihana lisä koruihin juuri sen ihanan värinsä vuoksi, jossa näkee usein kaikki sateenkaari väri. Opaalissa on ihana hehku, mutta sen kestävyys koruissa on usein hauraampi kuin vaikkapa timantin tai safiirin.

Opaali on suosittu kivi etenkin kihlasormuksissa, mutta myös rintakoruna, kaulakoruna ja korvakoruina. Opaali suhteelisen kova kivi, mutta kuitenkin herkkä esim. opaalisormuksen osuessa kovaan pintaan saattaa opaali haljeta tai siitä voi irrota pieni palanen. Opaali ei myöskään siedä isoja lämpötila vaihteluita 

Opaalikoru on hyvä ottaa aina pois urheillessa tai liikuntaa harrastaessa sekä tiskauksen yhteydessä. Sama pätee kaikkiin koruihin, vaikka usein arjen kiireiden keskellä tämä helposti unohtuu.

Jos pidät opaalin ulkonäöstä, mutta sen kestävyys arveluttaa, niin kuukivi on loistava vaihtoehto.
Kuukivellä on vastaavanlainen hehku kuin opaalilla, mutta se on hieman kestävämpi.

  • Toivon ja saavutusten kivi
  • Tehokas onnentuoja kivi
  • Opaali on intuitiivinen kivi ja auttaa ihmistä kehittymään henkisellä tasolla
  • Jalo- tai tuliopaali tuovat rauhalliset ja syvät unet
  • Hoitaa mm. tulehduksia ja kuumetiloja
  • Kiviterapia suosittelee pitämään opaalia pikkusormessa
  • Ravun ja Vaakan onnenkivi
  • Kiinalaisessa horoskoopissa opaali on Käärmeen voimakivi
  • Härän ja Skorpionin horoskooppikivi
Pidän paljon opaalin hehkusta, siinä on jotain mystistä ja samalla jotain niin kaunista. Kääntelemällä opaali kiveä tai korua aina tuntuu löytyvän ikäänkuin uusi väri. Tästä syystä opaali on monen suosikki ja hyvin suosittu koruna. Opaalit ovat melko kalliita ja tästä syystä itselläni ei ole myynnissä aitoa opaali korua, mutta muutama koru löytyy toisesta Etsy kaupastani, jossa on tätä opaalin kaltaista hehkua.

Tämän nilkkakorun olen tehnyt laadukkaista Swarovskin kristalleista, jossa on pieni sydän keskellä ja molemmilta puolilta löytyy kaksi bicone helmeä.

Sydän ja bicone helmet ovat samaa väriä. Tässä värissä on himmeä maitolasimainen hehku, joka muistuttaa opaalia.

Väriltään kristallit ovat valkoisia, joissa on hieman vihertävää hehkua ja sen vuoksi nimesin korun "Mint Frost" eli jäätynyt minttu.

Kuukivi on hyvä vaihtoehto opaalille, jossa on opaalin kaltaista hehkua.

Tässä rannekorussa on viisi pientä kuukiveä nuggettimaisina helminä eli hieman soikeina. Korussa olen käyttänyt kullattua korunosia lukkona ja kivien kiinnittämiseen. Ketju on hopeoitua.

Kaikki koruni molemmissa kaupoissani on aina nikkeli-, lyijy- ja kadmium vapaat ja rannekorun sekä nilkkakorun pituuden voit itse päättää.

Korujani voit tilata turvallisesti Etsyn kautta, jossa maksuna käy lahjakortit, pankki- ja luottokortti. Etsy huolehtii puolestasi, että maksutietosi ovat turvassa. Lisäilen kauppoihini koruja sitä mukaan kun ehdin kuvata niitä ja tämäkin riippuu paljolti säästä.

Vieraile FjeldDesignin Etsy kaupassa tästä ja tutustu uusiin ihaniin koruihini.
Vieraile myös BlueBellJewelryn Etsy kaupassa tästä ja tulossa on paljon uutta, kunhan saan korut kuvatuksi. Olen saanut mm. kivoja nilkkakoruja tehtyä, vaikka enää ei Suomessa olekaan nilkkakoru ilmat, mutta onneksi kesä tulee joka vuosi 😊 

~ Minna


perjantai 3. syyskuuta 2021

Syyskuun Kivi: Safiiri

Tummansininen safiiri on syyskuussa syntyneiden kivi. Esimerkiksi Gwyneth Paltrow valitsi itselleen kihlasormukseen valtavan safiirin, koska se on hänen syntymäkivensä. Safiirin kantajan on uskottu saavan täyttymys hänen toiveilleen. Sen on siis uskottu olevan tärkeässä roolissa, jos haluat saada jonkin unelmasi toteen.

Safiirin nimi tulee Kreikasta "Sapheiros", sininen. Entisaikoina kaikkia sinisiä kiviä nimitettiin "safiireiksi" ja vasta 1800-luvun alussasafiiri luonnehdittiin itsenäiseksi korundiryhmän jäseneksi.

  • Arvostetuin väri safiireissa on sininen
  • Tunnetuimpia safiireja on Pyhän Edvardin safiiri, joka on Englannin kuninkaankruunun ristin keskellä ja Venäjän hallitsijan kruunuun on hiottu myös suuria safiireja
  • Viattomuuden ja pitkäikäisyyden symboli
  • Hyvän terveyden talismani
  • Kivi edustaa vaurautta, kauneutta ja sisäistä rauhaa
  • Safiirin on uskottu tuovan kantajalleen voimaa, kunniaa ja kuolemattomuuden
  • Safiiri symboloi taivasta ja siihen liitettyjä ominaisuuksia
  • Tähtisafiiria pidetään hyvän onnen tuojana ja sen kolme valokuovaa ajatellaan edustavan toivoa, uskoa ja kohtaloa
  • Safiiri on pyhitetty Kreikkalaiselle jumalalle Apollolle
  • Astrologiassa Vaakan ja Neitsyen kivi

Perinteisesti safiiri symboloi jaloutta, totuutta, vilpittömyyttä ja uskollisuutta. Se on koristanut kuninkaallisten ja papistojen vaatteita vuosisatojen ajan. Sen poikkeuksellinen väri on standardi, jota vastaan ​​mitataan muita sinisiä jalokiviä - topaasista tantsaniittiin.

Safiiri on liitetty vuosisatojen ajan rojaltiin ja romantiikkaan. Yhdistystä vahvistettiin vuonna 1981, kun Ison -Britannian prinssi Charles antoi sinisen safiirin kihlasormuksen Lady Diana Spencerille.

Muinaisessa Kreikassa ja Roomassa kuninkaat ja kuningattaret olivat vakuuttuneita siitä, että siniset safiirit suojelivat omistajiaan kateudelta ja vahingoilta. Keskiajalla papit käyttivät sinisiä safiireja symboloimaan taivasta, ja tavallisten ihmisten mielestä helmi houkutteli taivaallisia siunauksia. Muina aikoina ja paikoissa ihmiset saivat safiireja voimaan vartioida siveyttä, tehdä rauhaa vihollisten välillä, vaikuttaa henkiin ja paljastaa oraakkelien salaisuudet.

Tätä ihanaa helmeä löytyy mm. Kirjohelmeltä Suomesta ja Beadaholiquelta Usasta

Erityinen oranssinpunainen vaaleanpunainen safiiriväri on nimeltään padparadscha, joka tarkoittaa "lootuskukkaa" singalin kielellä, jota puhutaan Sri Lankassa. Tiesitkö muuten, että Padparadscha nimeä käyttää myös Swarovski Kristall kristallihelmestään, joka on punertavan vaaleanpunainen ja erittäin kimaltava helmi sekä laadukas. Itse tykkään käyttää Swarovskin ihania lasihelmiä korutöissäni juuri niiden laadukkuuden ja kimaltavuuden vuoksi. Näin yksinkertaisimmistakin koruista tulee astetta juhlavampi, jolloin koru sopii sekä päivä- että iltakäyttöön.

~ Minna

lauantai 21. elokuuta 2021

Boho Style Home...

BlueBellJewelry have Boho style jewelry in modern twist. I love its playfulness, freedom and colors that this style offer. Boho style seems to be very trendy right now, I guess it isn´t never exactly out of style... Many of my interior design customer wants to add more Boho style in their home. I personally love Scandinavian minimalist style but Boho style seems to have something that attracts me too.

So what Boho means? Boho is shortened from word bohemian, meaning person who is interested in artistic and unusual things like music or art. Boho style interior is a warm spiritual interior where colors are very earthy, often with theme of exotic patterns and objects, as well as natural materials like cotton, linen, silk and leather and lots of plants. 

Tassel earrings in green, yellow, light blue and brown. Tassels are cotton yarn, wire is tarnish free and hooks are gold plated, bronze, silver plated or copper. All BlueBellJewelry´s jewelry components are always nickel, lead and cadmium free

When it comes Boho style jewelry, these are usually nature themed, have natural elements like wood, stones, feathers or seashells. Many Boho style jewelry are often tassel jewelry. BlueBellJewelry have also couple tassel earrings and most of jewelry are flower shape.

After crocheting ten anklets, I found on YouTube beautiful wall hanging. I thought it could be interest to make one since it looked so nice and furthermore its made by crocheting and using only one stitch - half double crochet. I finished it late last night and took couple pictures of it. 

I made wall hanging in white because I wanted to hang it on the hallway wall. My cats are usually pretty curious so it was nice to noticed that twelve inch tassels won´t awakened any interest. In the instruction was given twelve inch dowel but I chose just a tree branch that is about ten inch long and almost as thick as marker pen. I used worsted weight yarn which is 100 % acrylic and size 4 mm hook. Video instruction you can find here. I personally love The Turtle Trunk crochet video tutorials since she always explained so well what to do next.

I hope you enjoy the end of the Summer. Here´s weather more or less rainy preparing us for Autumn.

~ Minna